Have you watched all these Top 10 movies?

If you like great content, these films are a must-watch.

IMDB's Top 10
Have you watched all the Top 10 movies of the world?

While one may never be able to watch around 500,000 movies ever made in the world, what one must watch are at least the top ones. These are not movies but experiences. Some that throw you in a passionate drama folding into a mystery driven with amazing lighting and sound, acted by some of the best industry had ever seen to incredible storytelling skills of the director, coupled with the rest of the gang of cinematographers, editors, and the whole team. No matter what you do, ensure you never have to say, “No, I haven’t” to a question, “Have you watched the top 10 movies?” To make this task even easier, here’s the list compiled from IMDB’s Top 250 collection.

When you finish watching, you realize you were in for a treat, and had this not been for these movies, you’d have surely missed out on such impeccable performances.

What do you think separates these from the herd? All these movies have world-class in every film-making element from direction, theme, story writing, lighting, VFX, dialogue, acting, scenes, sound, cinematography, and writing to editing.

RankTitleIMDB RatingOscar Nomination/WinsAvailable on
1.The Shawshank Redemption9.312/0Amazon Prime
2.The Godfather9.211/3Amazon Prime
3. The Dark Knight9.0 8/2Amazon Prime
4.The Godfather: Part II9.011/6Amazon Prime
5.12 Angry Men9.03/0Amazon Prime
6.Schindler’s List9.012/7Netflix
7.The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King9.011/11Amazon Prime
8.Pulp Fiction8.97/1Amazon Prime
9.The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring8.813/4Amazon Prime
10.The Good, the Bad and the Ugly8.8NADailymotion
List compiled courtesy IMDB

Let us know in the comments below about your experience. Have a great time! Popcorns in, lights out!